27-29 Metro Parade, Mawson Lakes, SA, 5095


Did you know . . . ?

Are Some Foods Good For Your Teeth?

We’ve all been told what not to eat and drink by our dentists.

In particular we are told to minimise our exposure to sugar and acidic foods.

I would certainly agree that having regard to the things we should minimise in our diet is still definitely the safer ground when it comes to the health of your teeth, however scientific evidence has arisen to the benefits of certain foods.

Awesome! But which ones?

Well to expunge some of your Easter guilt, the good news is that Chocolate is on the list. Before you get too excited we are talking dark chocolate here in small amounts. For the same benefit but without the sugar and calories, raw chocolate, or even less palatable, chewing on cacao nibs is considered beneficial to your teeth. There you go, Chocolate truly is a super food.

Cheeses, unsweetened green tea, firm crunch fruits and vegetables (such as apples) are also good for teeth, as is fluoridated water as a first choice for drinks.

Just remember excessive exposures to some healthy foods can be bad for your teeth, such as excessive citrus and chewable vitamins (high in acid) and dried fruits (high in sugar).

For advise on your diet, please contact Dental on Metro. Your fist check and clean is gap free.

Dental on Metro takes this opportunity to welcome Dr Anthony Colella to our practice.