27-29 Metro Parade, Mawson Lakes, SA, 5095


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eNewsletter February

From the desk!

This is what my son Rici and I were doing during the heatwave.  We hope this e-Newsletter finds you all well in 2014.  Its hard to believe its the middle of February already.  Here’s some new things in 2014.

Kids Dentistry on Medicare

Just a reminder to everyone, you may have received a letter from Centrelink advising you of your child’s eligibility for the Medicare Child Dental Benefits Schedule ($1000 over two years).

This means that you can just bring your medicare card for your eligible child’s checkups, treatment, x-rays and cleans.  Dental on Metro are bulk billing!  No upfront payment is required.

In short, families receiving Family Tax Benefit A are eligible for this scheme.  To confirm your child’s eligibility you can contact Centrelink or further information can be found by following this link

Child Dental Benefits Schedule

Our staff can also check your child’s eligibility online.  Please contact us on 8260 1007 with any queries.

Gap-Free kids Check-ups

If you have any Dental Extra’s cover, Dental on Metro are now providing Gap Free checkups for all checkups for all kids to 16 years of age.  This will be regardless of whether or not it is there first checkup with us.

General and Emergency Dental Scheme forms

A further reminder that we also accept General and Emergency Dental Scheme forms where they have been issued by the South Australian Dental Service.  This applies to Pension Card and Health Care Card holders.  If you have a Pension Card or Health Care Card you should ensure that you are placed on the South Australian Dental Services waiting list.  The South Australian Dental Service can be contacted on 8222 8222.  We also accept pensioner denture scheme denture repair forms.

New patients welcome

With our second Dentist well settled in now we are also about to open second operatory with a view to expanding our 3.00 PM to 7:00 PM availability on weekdays to assist with after work and after school appointments.  We are still providing a gap-free first check and clean (including x-rays)  for all adults and kids with any dental extra’s cover.

Hope this is a great year for you all.